What to Do If Squats Are Hurting Your Back

If squats are causing you back pain, it's important to address the issue promptly to prevent further discomfort or injury. Here are some steps you can take to alleviate back pain while performing squats:

1. Check Your Form:

Ensure that you are using proper squatting form. Your back should be straight, chest up, and knees should not go past your toes. If your form is incorrect, it can put undue stress on your back.

2. Reduce the Weight:

If you are lifting heavy weights during squats, consider reducing the weight until your back pain subsides. Focus on perfecting your form with lighter weights before gradually increasing the load.

3. Warm-Up Properly:

Always warm up before starting your squat routine. Dynamic stretches and foam rolling can help loosen tight muscles and prepare your body for exercise.

4. Strengthen Your Core:

A strong core can provide better support for your back during squats. Incorporate exercises such as planks, Russian twists, and dead bugs into your workout routine.

5. Try Different Variations:

If traditional squats continue to hurt your back, consider trying different squat variations such as goblet squats, sumo squats, or front squats. These variations may put less strain on your back.

6. Consult a Professional:

If your back pain persists despite trying these tips, consider consulting a fitness trainer or physical therapist. They can assess your squat form, provide personalized recommendations, and help address any underlying issues causing your back pain.

Remember, pain during squats should not be ignored. It's crucial to listen to your body and make adjustments to your workout routine to prevent injury and ensure a safe and effective workout.


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