"I'm Attracted To The Same Sex, But I'm Afraid." Tips For Dealing With Fear

Finding out that you are attracted to a person of the same sex can be a very confusing moment, of fear and a lot of uncertainty. It is normal to have more questions than answers, but it is also important to remember that being attracted to someone of the same sex is not synonymous with shame or guilt.

If you are ashamed and afraid to really assume what it is, here are the tips to help you:

1 - Accept your feelings

Your first step is to accept what you feel and not be afraid to show what you are. It can be difficult, especially if you grew up in an environment that does not support diversity. It is important to note that liking someone of the same sex is not a choice and there is nothing you can do to change that.

2 - Seek help

Seeking help may be the best solution to have the answers to your questions. This may include friends, family or professional help. Having someone to talk to and vent what you feel can reduce the levels of anxiety and stress, which such a situation can cause.

3 - Explore more about what you feel

If you are attracted to people of the same sex, it is important to try to realise what you feel. Try to learn and read more about these feelings or talking to people from the LGBT community for advice. If it doesn't work, seek medical help. This is something that can take time, so don't press yourself and give time to time.

4 - Do not put a label on yourself

There is no need to put a label on yourself to say whether you are gay, bisexual or of another identity. Finding out your identity is personal and may take time. You don't need to have a label to feel good about what you are.

5 - Be kind to yourself

Finding out that you are attracted to people of the same sex can be stressful. It is important to be sweet to yourself and not blame yourself for these feelings. Accepting yourself as you are and loving yourself, it is important to feel comfortable with yourself.


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