Men's Health Week 2023: The Challenges Australian Rural Men Face

The month of June is men's health month, which means that it is the right time to recognise the various challenges that men face around the world when we talk about health. In rural Australia, these challenges are even more serious.

According to a study published by Charles Sturt University, men living in rural areas of Australia have an average life expectancy of 3 to 4 years inferring those living in urban areas. This is due to some factors, such as limited access to health and the stigma that involves mental health.

One of the main problems that men living in rural Australia face is the lack of access to health. To have access to health services, many Australians have to travel several kilometres to get to a doctor or hospital, which makes it even more complicated for those living in remote areas. Lack of access to health can lead to undiagnosed or untreated health problems, which can trigger chronic health problems, which remain for life.

In addition to the lack of access to health, those who live in rural Australia have a limited education when it comes to health, but end up not knowing how to take care of themselves. This leads to unhealthy habits, such as smoking, excessive drinking and lack of physical exercise. These habits can increase the risk of chronic diseases, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

There is a stigma around mental health in men who inhabit the rural regions of Australia. Talking about your problems is seen as a sign of weakness and the shame in asking for help is immense. The lack of medical support can lead to more serious health problems, such as depression and anxiety.

To try to end these problems, it is important that rural communities work together to provide access to health services, health education and support to those suffering from mental problems. Men have to be encouraged to take care of themselves and seek help when they do not feel well. Men's health is a global problem and it is important that we work together to ensure that men have access to the health services they need so much.


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