Workout Guide to Look Like Shawn Calder

In the world of fitness influencers, Shawn Calder, widely known as @watchshawnflex, stands out not just for his impressive physique but for his holistic approach to health and fitness. As the CEO of 3VOLVE and an advocate for overall well-being, Calder’s routines and diet are meticulously crafted to promote both physical and mental health.

Workout Routine

Shawn Calder emphasizes the importance of muscle engagement and mind-to-muscle connection. His workout routines are designed to maximize muscle control and growth through targeted exercises and high repetitions.

Chest Day Routine:

• Cable Flies: 4 sets of 20 reps

• Bench Press: 4 progressive sets

• Incline Bench Press: 4 sets of 12 reps

• Decline Iso Hammer Press: 4 sets of 12 reps

• Push-Ups: 3 sets to failure

Calder advises using a weight that challenges you, especially on the last rep, ensuring muscle fatigue and growth. His focus on form and control is a testament to his philosophy that quality trumps quantity in workouts.

Diet Plan

Shawn Calder’s diet is designed to fuel his intense workouts and promote overall health. Partnering with Trifecta, a meal delivery service, Calder ensures his meals are balanced, nutritious, and tailored to his fitness goals.

Diet Highlights:

• Clean Eating: Emphasizes whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.

• Hydration: Stresses the importance of staying hydrated to support muscle function and overall health.

• Supplements: Uses supplements like Reign Body Fuel to enhance performance and recovery.

Holistic Approach

Beyond just physical training, Calder focuses on mental and spiritual well-being. His daily routine includes:

• Reading the Bible and Journaling: Helps in maintaining mental clarity and emotional balance.

• Positive Self-Talk and Flexing: Believes in the power of self-affirmation and muscle engagement even outside of traditional workouts.

Calder’s approach to fitness is not just about building muscles but about evolving into a better version of oneself in mind, body, and spirit. His routines and diet reflect a commitment to holistic health, making him a standout figure in the fitness community.


@WatchShawnCalder: The Rise of Shawn Calder


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