10 sexual hygiene tips to improve sex life

Sex and all the parts that surround it can be the most dirty. There are always different opinions about the cleaning of the sexual organ, but there are basic notions that apply to all men. Although washing is something very important, that's not enough.

"The definition of sexual hygiene, as far as I am concerned, expands to many other areas," says Bill Taverner, executive director of the Centre for Sex Education to the Men's Journal website.

1.Wash and dry

The skin of the genital region of the man is no different from that of the rest of the body. Cleaning once a day is advisable. To avoid skin diseases, which cause itching in the genital area, it is important to keep the area always dry, especially after swimming, bathing or sweating a lot. It is very important to always wash the penis before any sexual act, if it involves a penetration. For men who have a foreskin, it is necessary to clean what is hidden inside this skin, because there may be an accumulation of crap. This can lead to the development of health problems and increase the chances of a sexually transmitted infection.


All men must change their underwear every day. This helps prevent unwanted infections, irritations and odours. If you involve activities in which you will produce more sweat, you should change your underwear twice a day. Cotton is excellent for letting the testicles breathe, however, if you are an athlete, a material with greater sweat absorption is required.

3. Check your genital area

You should always check your genital area for irregularities. Swelling, redness, wounds, blisters, warts alone are not a problem, but you should discuss each of these with your doctor. Changes in the penis and testicles can be an indication of sexually transmitted diseases, cancer and other health problems.

4. Talk to your partner

You should be totally open with your partner and talk openly about sexually transmitted diseases and other health problems. In addition, you should initially use protection until both can be tested. You should discuss with your partner the exclusivity of your relationship.

5.See a doctor and be honest

The recommendation is basic: you should have a consultation every year with your doctor to check for any problems. Performing medical examinations for the screening of sexually transmitted diseases and other sex-related health problems is the most discussed.

6.Pubic hair exists for some reason

In recent decades, many men and women have been discussing pubic hair and how clean the genital area should be. Although it may be a sexual preference for many, removing pubic hair is not recommended. They help in combatting infections and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

7. Sexual damage

Did you have vaginal or anal sex and see blood? Any damage caused may not be totally uncomfortable for those who suffered it and not disturb their sexual pleasure, however you should use a condom. All this to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

8. Soap and water for genital cleansing and nothing else

Everyone will have some kind of odour in the genital area, no matter how clean it may be. Follow the rules for a simple genital cleansing, using only soap and water. Another product besides these, is unnecessary and can cause irritations in the genital area.

9. Leave the penis and testicles loose

Whether you talk about underwear or pants, it is recommended to leave your genitals loose. Movement restrictions and overheating can affect fertility and lead to the development of diseases.

10. Help your partner check your body

Checking your body and letting your partner check your genital area is important. There may be worrying signs that you have never noticed. However, many sexual diseases do not show any kind of visual signs, so the annual test is still recommended.


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