What Is Being Ecosexual? The Influence Of Nature On Sex Life

Brazilian actor Sergio Marone assumes to be ecosexual

Ecosexual is a sexual identity that focusses on a deep connection with nature is a constant concern with environmental preservation. People feel an emotional and spiritual connection, while others see nature as a desire. This is still a very recent identity, but it has grown a lot due to its connection to the environment, nature, the preservation of fauna and flora.

This term was created in 2008 by artists and environmental activists Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens. The term ecosexual serves to describe the sensory experience with nature. Nature is thus seen as the object of desire and pleasure.

Nature is seen as a sexual partner, where people incorporate ecological practises into their sex life. No one has sex with plants! Instead, those who identify as ecosexual like to have sex in nature, use organic or biodegradable products and adopt more sustainable sexual practises. The smell, sounds and sensation of nature stimulate these people sexually.

Despite being a new identity, it is considered a sexual orientation that is part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. There are ecosexual people who see themselves as having a fetish or a sexual preference for nature, others claim that this is part of their identity, not directly influencing the taste for sexual relations in nature and cannot be labelled as having an ecosexual sexual orientation, because that is their identity.


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