The sea helps you sleep better and improve mental health

The sea is for many a natural spa due to the feeling of relaxation and well-being it offers. The benefits of the sea are many, so large cities, in general, are located next to the coastline. It's not just for its beauty, but for the good it does to our health.

Seawater has a chemical composition very similar to that of the plasma of the human body. This water contains more than 80 dissolved elements, very useful for the metabolism of our cells, which makes it a privileged source of mineral substitutes and trace elements. Six of the ions present in seawater constitute more than 90% of the saline solution, such as sodium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, potassium and sulfate.

1. Less stress and anxiety

Exposure to natural environments is a way to relax, however the sea is a refuge for most in times of anguish. Science has already proven that exposure to the sea helps to lower levels of stress and anxiety. Those who live by the coast benefit even more, according to a study by the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. According to the same study, those who live closer to the sea, the better the clinical results in mental health.

2. Better quality of sleep

The Guardian newspaper, in 2015, reported a study conducted by the National Trust that reported the simple fact that walking by the sea helps you sleep better. By doing so, you may be offering your body another 47 minutes of quality sleep per night.

3. More physical activity

Swimming in the sea can be even better for your health by simple contact with all the minerals it offers. But not only that. In addition to allowing the practice of various sports, the sea stimulates the practice of physical exercise even of those who do not want to get wet. In 2014, a study by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Exeter revealed that being close to the coast increases the likelihood of people being physically active.

4. Lower risk of obesity

A South Korean study in laboratory rats associated seawater with a higher probability of losing weight, because seawater has the ability to interfere with fat-bound molecules. Swimming in cold water, such as the sea, can be even more effective. A study in 2019 indicated that swimming in water with less than seven degrees can be a good strategy to increase brown fat and therefore decrease the risk of obesity. It is important to note that thermal shocks should not be made, due to the high risk of cardiac arrest and consequently death.

5. Respiratory improvements

The American Family Physician reveals that nasal irrigation with evil water "is an adjuvant therapy for upper respiratory conditions", such as acute and chronic rhinosinusitis, viral infection of the upper respiratory tract and allergic rhinitis.

6. Better heart health

Deep sea water, which is more than 200 meters deep, is richer in minerals and less polluted. This water is great for changing our blood pressure, according to a study by the School of Pharmacy of China Medical University Yingcai Campus.

7. Improves the skin

A study in 1995 concluded that bathing in the Dead Sea, rich in magnesium, improves the function of the skin barrier, increases skin hydration and reduces inflammation in atopic dry skin.

8. Improves overall health

Seawater prevents allergies, skin diseases, osteoarticular diseases, vascular problems, respiratory diseases, obesity, anxiety and stress, either by direct contact or simply by walking by the sea. Being by the sea, the body can absorb the unique characteristics of this environment, such as air, temperature, humidity, ultraviolet radiation, essential for the synthesis of vitamin D.


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