The 5 benefits of sleeping naked

Natural or whatever you want to call it. Sleeping naked has many health benefits. One in each back adult already sleeps naked, according to a study by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation. Abandoning your pajamas improves your health, well-being and happiness. The room should be at an ambient temperature, to improve things.

  • Protects the sperm

During the day you can use your boxers, but when night comes it's time to abandon the boxers. “We have known for some time that men who raise the temperature of their testicles, either through exposure to heat at work or wearing tight underwear, have worse semen quality compared to men whose testicles are colder,” said Allan Pacey, one of the leading fertility experts and researcher at the University of Sheffield.

  • Boosts the love life

People who sleep naked have a happier love life. 57% of naked sleepers were happy with their relationship, compared to 48% of pajama wearers, according to a British study involving 1000 people.

  • Improves sleep quality

To fall asleep, your body temperature should drop by half a degree. To stay asleep, your body will have to maintain a lower temperature than normal, otherwise your brain will give directions to your body to wake up because it is too hot. The advantage of sleeping naked is that it is easier for your brain to lower body temperature and keep the temperature balanced for a good sleep.

Burn calories

Brown fat in adults is activated with cold. Faster you can burn this bad fat for your health by sleeping naked, than during the day. A study in the US revealed that in everyday life, a man can gain more brown fat because it is associated with heat. Unlike the white fat that burns with heat, it works exactly the opposite. If you are struggling to lose weight, it is important to put this method into practice and sleep naked.

Lowers blood pressure

Sleeping naked sends signals to your brain. These signs generated by skin-to-skin contact reduce blood pressure, increase the immune system and reduce anxiety.


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