Australian makes 3.206 push ups in an hour and breaks Guinness records

Lucas Helmke, a 33-year-old Australian from Brisbane, tested his limits, which led him to break the world record for more push-ups in just one hour.

Lucas performed 3,206 push-ups in an hour, which gives an average of 53 push-ups per minute.

The Australian trained between two and three years to break this record.

The body should remain straight everywhere, which means that there can be no flexion in the knees or waist. The body should be lowered until at least a 90-degree angle is reached at the elbow, then raised until the arms are straight.

Only 34% of the push-ups were discounted due to inadequate form, the Guinness World Records reveals.

"This will be the first record I would like to establish from several other push up records," Lucas said. "So in other physical records."


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